Our Services
We Offer the Following Benefits to Our Customers
We The Aanchal group, Provide superior quality personalized services to people with hearing impairment and speech problems. We strive to make better hearing as effortless and worry-free as possible. We are fully equipped and ready to serve every hearing need of yours.
- Hearing aid trials with suitable hearing aids by qualified and experienced audiologist
- Best Quality branded hearing aids at competitive price
- Hearing aid service , Hearing aid repair
- Complete hearing evaluation for adults , children and geriatrics
- Hearing aid programming and fine tuning according to the need of the customer
- Remote fine tuning/programming of hearing aids
- Home visit for customers who are unable to travel
- Hearing aid accessories/ hearing aid batteries/ear plugs
- Ear protection devices
- Wireless accessories for hearing aid
- Soft and hard ear moulds
- All types of hearing aids (signia, phonak,starkey,resound,unitron)
- Speech and language assessment
- Speech and language therapy
- Voice therapy for voice disorders
- Cochlear implants(cochlear)
- Cochlear implant spare parts
Our specialities that makes us different and the best
Comprehensive counseling about hearing loss and hearing aids with visual aids
Frequent calls to ensure your satisfaction
Free reviews and fine tuning of hearing aids (after 15 days, 3 months and 6 month)
Our enthusiasm and special attention for each client.
Frequent calls to ensure your satisfaction
Free reviews and fine tuning of hearing aids (after 15 days, 3 months and 6 month)
Our enthusiasm and special attention for each client.
Detailed list of audiology tests at our centers
- Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
- TDT (Tone Decay)and other special tests
- Speech Audiometry (SRT & SDS)
- Tympanometry and Reflexometry (immitance)
- OAE test (Otoacoustic Emission)
- Brainstem Evoked Response Auditory(BERA)
- Hearing Aid Trial with branded hearing aids

Our services
What We Do
Pure Tone Audiometry
PTA is a behavioral test used to measure hearing sensitivity.
This is done to understand the middle ear condition.
OAE (Oto Acoustic Emission)
OAE is done to evaluate the outer hair cell (OHC) functioning in the cochlea
BERA (Brain Stem Evoked Response Audiometry)
This evaluation is done to assess the functioning of auditory path way.
Hearing Aid Trial And Fitting
Wide range of Hearing Aid from GNResound, Siemens, Starkey, Phonak, Unitron etc...
Cochlear Implants
Cochlear implant is an implant- surgical solution for hearing loss.
Speech And Language Therapy
Helpful speech tips and techniques to help your child speak clearly.
Why Choose Us
Each individual with hearing loss deserves a very kind attention and care. We understand the pain of hearing loss and its effects on each family. That's the reason why we treat every patient as our family member. Our vision is to provide helping hands for millions of people with hearing impairment. Our team of clinical audiologists would work closely with you to help and ensure that we do what we say. We help you to hear better and improve your quality of life.